We appreciate all forms of feedback on our services, as this identifies what you think we are doing right as well as the things that you feel we are not.
How to Register a Complaint
By post, telephone or email
Core Care Links
c/o Raj Medical Centre
Laceby Road
DN34 5LP
01472 875 135
What information is required?
Details of the Complainant
Contact information for feedback if requested (including preferred method of contact)
Desired Outcome from the complainant’s perspective.
Who can complain?
A patient/service user
The representative of a patient/service user – this can be anyone acting on their behalf with their consent
Anyone who is, or is likely to be, affected by the actions, decisions or omissions of the service that is subject to a complaint.
The representative of a patient who lacks capacity, as long as the representative can be seen to be acting in the best interests of that person.
A patient/service user deemed unable to make a complaint themselves in line with Core Care Links Mental Capacity Act (2005) Policy.
A complaint can only be made by on behalf of someone to whom a Service provided by Core Care Links may have a duty or power to provide a service
Who can a complaint be made about?
A complaint can be made about anything that is connected with the services provided by Core Care Links Ltd. This includes, but is not limited to:-
Quality or amount of service
Charges for a service
A decision
Failure to follow correct procedure
Attitude and behaviour of staff
Limitations to making a Complaint
Matters that should be dealt with through other procedures will not be dealt with as a complaint, including:-
Disciplinary or grievance proceedings
Criminal Investigations
Where a statutory appeals process is in place
When a complainant intends to take legal proceedings in relation to the substance of the complaint
Allegations relating to safeguarding.Responsibilities
If you wish NHS England to handle the complaint
Write to NHS England at; NHS England, PO Box 16738, Redditch, B97 9PT.
By email to: england.contactus@nhs.net If you are making a complaint please state: ‘For the attention of the complaints team’ in the subject line.
By telephone: 0300 311 22 33
What happens if you are dissatisfied with the outcome?
If you are unhappy with the explanation provided then the last stage of the Complaints Procedure is for the complaint to be referred to the Parliamentary and Health Ombudsman who can be contacted on their Complaints Helpline between 08.30 and 17.30 Monday to Friday:
Tel: 0345 015 4033
Email: phso.enquiries@ombudsman.org.uk
Fax: 0300 061 4000
You can also write to the Ombudsman at:
The Parliamentary Health Service Ombudsman,
Millbank Tower,